Learn how to create a wallpaper for wallpaper-crafter

General method (without blender)

!!! Images all have to be in the same resolution !!! Images needed: Go to this site, select the above mentioned files and right-click the image. Then save it as "preview.png"

Blender method

!!! Images all have to be in the same resolution !!! Download my modified version of the Mashed Potato Rig.
    1. In properties window goto "Scene > Render Properties > Color Management and change "View Transform" to "Standart"
    2. In properties window goto "Scene > View Layer > Passes > Cryptomatte and enable Material
    1. Hide Teeth, Tongue and Pupils in the viewport and for camera
    2. Enable the left switch panel of the rig
    3. Move the switch "Only Shadows" (2nd from left) to the top
    4. Fix dark spots by moving overlapping meshes
    5. Render and save as "background.png"
    6. Unhide Teeth, Tongue and Pupils (unless not using face)
    7. Move the switch "Only Shadows" to the bottom
    1. Hide Players
    2. Render and save as "background.png"
    3. Show Players
  1. In properties window goto "Scene > Render Properties > Film > Pixel Filter" and change "Type" to "Blackman-Harris" and change "Width" to 0.01px
    1. Move the switch "Overlay" (4th from left) to the bottom
    2. Render and save as "players.png"
    3. Save cryptomatte of player in compositing tab as "mask_player.png"
    4. Move the switch "Overlay" to the top
    5. Render and save as "players_armor.png"
    6. Save cryptomatte of player in compositing tab as "mask_armor.png"
    1. Move the switch "Shading" (3rd from left) to the top
    2. Move the switch "Overlay" to the bottom
    3. Render and save as "shading_players.png"
    4. Move the switch "Overlay" to the top
    5. Render and save as "shading_armor.png"
Go to this site, select the above mentioned files and right-click the image. Then save it as "preview.png"

Submitting the wallpaper

Submitting the wallpaper is easy. Just send me an email to wallpaper-submission@unnamedDE.tk. Make sure that you tell me how the wallpaper should be named, how you want to be mentioned on the website and attach all 9 images. Also include your discord username+tag if you want me to contact you on discord if I have to.